
    About Department

    The Department of Environment, Haryana is a Ministry and department of the Government of Haryana in India. This department came into existence when Haryana was established as a new state within India after being separated from Punjab. This department looks after environmental related concerns in the state of Haryana. While the government of Haryana is committed to ensure all around development of the State, the department of Environment is taking necessary steps for protecting and preserving our environment. Conscious and focused efforts have been made to create awareness among the citizens regarding the urgency and importance of preserving our environment.

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    ACS Picture
    Sh. Anand Mohan Sharan, IAS ACS, Environment, Forest & Wildlife Department, Haryana
    Dr. Virender Kumar Dahiya, IAS Director, Environment & Climate Change Department, Haryana

    Projects and Initiatives

    Dry Well Report

    Dry wells Report(PDF,4.24MB)


    Department Engagement of Apprentices under Apprenticeship Act-1961 and (ii) Payment of stipend to the apprentices engaged under Apprenticeship Act-1961/ National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme, Government of India.